Baiklah, untuk menjadi Project Alpha TV Star ni, kawan-kawan para bogger kena la menjalani audition dulu. Macam mana nak audition? Kena menyanyi depan juri macam auditon Akademi fantasia ke? Oh tidak...
Caranya ialah dengan menghantarkan video anda sendiri yang kreatif yang menerangkan tentang mengapa anda patut diundang dalam Project Alpha Season 3. Submit video tersebut yang panjangnya 60saat atau kurang. Buat la video sekreatif yang mungkin yang boleh.
Ok untuk menyertai, ikut je lah step berikut seperti yang diterangkan di Project Alpha Group okeh.
Step 1: Join ruumz or login to your account
Step 2: Join the Project Alpha ruumz group! (You're looking at it!)
*The option to join is located on the top left hand side of your screen.
Step 3: Upload your video into the 'Auditions' Album
Step 4: Insert a title and a short description about your audition.
* Tip: You can also tag yourself to your video so that it will appear on your ruumz profile page
Step 5: To increase your chances of being selected, get your friends and family to "Like" your video
Step 2: Join the Project Alpha ruumz group! (You're looking at it!)
*The option to join is located on the top left hand side of your screen.
Step 3: Upload your video into the 'Auditions' Album
Step 4: Insert a title and a short description about your audition.
* Tip: You can also tag yourself to your video so that it will appear on your ruumz profile page
Step 5: To increase your chances of being selected, get your friends and family to "Like" your video
Ha..senang macam makan kacang je kan. Ape lagi cepat la submit vidoe korang. Ok secara ringkasnya. Selepas semua yang berminat menghantar video mereka, 3 orang pemenang yang paling kreatif akan dipilih sebagai blogger jemputan untuk next season Project Alpha ni.
Selain tu, pemenang jugak dapat bawak balik hadiah - hadiah yang superb menarik seperti berikut :
1st Prize
- 3 days 2 nights stay at 360Kuching Hotel, Kuching in a Deluxe Room with breakfast for 2 pax
- Adidas ACTION 3 hamper worth RM100 (Includes a South Africa 2010 mini ball)
- P1 W1GGY Prepaid worth RM199
2nd & 3rd Prize
- Adidas ACTION 3 hamper worth RM100 (Includes a South Africa 2010 mini ball)
- P1 W1GGY Prepaid worth RM199
Berbaloi-baloi tu hadiah. Sudah lah dapat glamer, dapat hadiah lagi tu kan. Mari-mari memeriahkan Project Alpha Nuffnang ni.
Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at www.projectalpha.com.my/auditions or projectalpha.ruumz.com/groups
i want $$$ from starring contest , muahahahaha evil grinz
nanged u. nang this to read about the recipe that make me fat!! =(
ramai org skrng ni bt entri macam ni -__-"
mana video anda :D
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